gimp xcf fileXCCC gimp-comment*John Simpson KG4ZOW Created with The GIMPUnnamed BBBBBBBBBBD BD BD BD BD BD Bg gimp-comment*John Simpson KG4ZOW Created with The GIMPgimp-image-grid(style intersections) (fgcolor (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (bgcolor (color-rgba 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000)) (xspacing 10.000000) (yspacing 10.000000) (spacing-unit inches) (xoffset 0.000000) (yoffset 0.000000) (offset-unit inches) /DeG|JMPTWZ _fsimpfswz|zl6$2Md01oBȍd'ҧeJ"%8EHKsN8PSVYH\ ^adXgilo@q  bFd Meter Labels      G gimp-text-layerp(text "160m\n\n80m\n\n60m\n\n40m\n\n30m\n\n20m\n\n17m\n\n15m\n\n12m\n\n10m\n\n6m\n\n2m\n\n1.25m\n\n70cm\n\n33cm\n\n23cm") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 24.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify right) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) kFd////Fd nxPkX!!#$B&')*,,/N080pLN #L١6r.Lz&] L"+tLr _L%& Lt@s$w+wڟ3 Ld[54 L9qOD LPDLLL`*6[4LLLSEx0 LLLw-dLLLCP(tLLLkd LL ܠנ7LL T "LL 0` #A 30ILLLLLLLLV١6' dk'] &@C+t&4@,_L%&7bw+wڟ3X[54* ODWM;PDLL<E7[4LLvx0 LLR]dLLzd(tLL2d LLנ7LLpX "LL N #(١6'z&] %"+t%r _L%&t@s$w+wڟ3d[549qODPDLL 30ILLLLLLLL 30IL`*6[4LLSEx0 LLw-dLLCP(tLLkd LLܠנ7LLT "LL XL #+L١6)L] (krL+t'&L_L%&"Lw+wڟ3~hL[544LOD LPDLL^L[4LL x0 LLмdLLL(tLLLd LLLנ7LLL "LL@LLLLLLL 30ILLLLLLLL [h #(Ȥ١6'1f+] ,E+t,%_L%&gw+wڟ3<[54iOD#aPDLL [4LLhx0 LLSdLL(tLLFSpd LLҥנ7LLnL "LLA 30ILLLLLLLL5Wz  #'\١6&Hr$] ,r+t,Q_L%&yw+wڟ3[54 ODPDLL[4LLx0 LLdLL(tLL|- d LLנ7LL  "LLA 30ILLLLLLLLe080pL (L'r.L o*L "*L 6L%&L Gwڟ3L 4L uLLLLLLL.LLLLLL(=LLLLLLLeLLA 30ILLLLLLLL080pLL'L-'r.LL0LL0LLL%&L|Ewڟ3L<4L M9L LLL 0!LLL BLLL >LLL NLLLLLȟLLqLLAq 30ILLLLLLLL080pLWz (L\'r.LHr$*L r*L QL%&L ywڟ3L 4L L LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL|- LLLL LL 080pL #A 30ILLLLLLLLL١6(r.L] *L+t*L_L%&Lw+wڟ3L[54LODLPDLLL[4LLLx0 LLLdLLL(tLLLd LLנ7LL "LL )N55z&4":r L%&#t@s$wڟ3#d4#9q$LL 30ILLLLLLLL 30IL$`*6LL%SELL%w-LL%CPLL&kLL&ܠLL'TLL &Wz 5\4Hr$;r;QL%&*ywڟ3)4) (LL(LL'LL&LL%LL%|- LL%LL% LL@LLLLLLL 30ILLLLLLLL 080pL Wz LL \-r.L Hr$LLrLLQLL%&Ly|Ewڟ3L<4L  M9L LLL 0!LLL BLLL >LLL NLLL@|- LLLȟLLL qLLA 30ILLLLLLLL5  #)١6/o] -"+t-6_'L%&Gw+U奠wڟ3[5'4uODPD}LL[4TLL.x0 TLLd|LL(=(tLLd  LLנ7@禟LLe "#ƌLLA 30ILLLLLLLLe[h[h'ȤȤ'1f+1f+,EE,%%'L%&ggU奠wڟ3 <<'4 ii#a#a}LL  TLLh hTLLS S|LL LL FSpFSp LL ҥҥ@禟LL nLnL#ƌLLA 30ILLLLLLLL   Wz [h&\Ȥ&Hr$1f+,r E,Q %'L%&ygU奠wڟ3<'4 i#a}LL TLL hTLL S|LL LL |- FSp LL ҥ@禟LL nL#ƌLLAq 30ILLLLLLLL#l6X$ Main Title      6gimp-text-layer(text "Band Plan - General Class") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 30.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify center) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) 1X$1D5DADMDYX$2(28269;>B4DD%       867$(9f6;;;;6$+G667 *l66;;;;;$%.Ag67   ;?20v000 2ՌC6.Gy qaU1)Re,AQl/6z%- C)u [n ?5 |G,$)""+d<;\ B K6T*S%K(H\V Ȅ/ q   ;+ʒ4+ +$$+=jR++#+2ՌC y vU1)Re,A>6- CE z φ 5$" G,$  "  ;\  T*S% V  /   5`w}taE30WҮ/aW..T.9.~#1$G]+#%'&sK $ z  DG$$$T&7 j'&=x&v7v&j带 (#Ћ=):cx}rZ6    @ӃC~Ӄ 2! 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"5330.5") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify right) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) u'u'uIIIu4kkk44$i$i| L44?o44 00!B4 œ*̕*̕16œFII!CFBCC>rB@@| L+*k4*t7300      `gimp-text-layer(text "7300") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) xxx]kkk拟$i| L| L0?o?oW0!B!Bn*̕1616<I!C!CC>r>r`@| L| LYkk]7175     Z _gimp-text-layer(text "7175") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) {{{G/q4 440404W4W4 n4nœ<4<F4B`4`YY*\7125      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L4"+O44?o4d244!B4=T441647U44!C4+ G44>r4 +44| L=4k+18.068     Sp!gimp-text-layer(text "18.068") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) w++W/q%QJkQJ 4Ew| L~Ew4"+O?oC"+O4d2!BYd24=T160 =T47U!C& J7U4+ G>r#D+ G4 +| L  =4k=1300     gimp-text-layer(text "1300") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) ?/qkkk 4$i| L| L4?o?o40!B!B4*̕16164I!C!C4C>r>r4@| L| Lkk]1240     Tgimp-text-layer(text "1240") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) )9?/q'k 4b N| L4>H?o4vB4!B437416498!C4 ,G>r4o4| L4k]928     tgimp-text-layer(text "928") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) *>NYYYEv'QJƊ_b Ew!T>"+O)=vd2֙37=T"m987U ,+ G #Ho %!=D902     Xtgimp-text-layer(text "902") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels)  YYYEvkӔ'Ɗ_| Lb !T?o>)=!Bv֙1637"m!C98>r , #H| Lo%!kC450     <gimp-text-layer(text "450") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) YYYH4kN4| LH4?oB44 !B4œ16F!CGB>r4| L4*kE420     X<gimp-text-layer(text "420") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) YYYH'kNb | LH>?oB4v!B4371698!CG ,>r4o| L4kE225     gimp-text-layer(text "225") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) K_o;;;?''4b b 4>>4vv4 3737œ9898F , ,Boo*>222     ;gimp-text-layer(text "222") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels)  ;;;?ה'''b b b >>>vvv373737989898 , , ,ooo=220     gimp-text-layer(text "220") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) JJJB''kb b | L>>?ovv!B3737169898!C , ,>roo| LkB219     Xgimp-text-layer(text "219") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) h|ŒYYY6/q 'vb  4Ɗ_>4!Tv4)=374֙984"m ,4o4 #H%!E148     gimp-text-layer(text "148") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) 5IYhhh1/qQJ 4NEw4H"+O4B4d244=T47U4G+ G44 4=G .1#1     ogimp-text-layer(text ".1") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels)   ,/q 444444+44 144     Ogimp-text-layer(text "144") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) Sgwhhh1/q 4NN4HH4B4B444444GG44444G54     gimp-text-layer(text "54") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) (<L-44N4H4 B4œ4FBG4*4, .1     pgimp-text-layer(text ".1") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) Ϣ ϶ /q 444444+44 50     Ygimp-text-layer(text "50") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) -4k4| L4?o4 !Bœ16F!CB>r| L*k-*29.700      \!gimp-text-layer(text "29.700") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) s*ԇ*ԗvvv~'vkkb Ɗ_틟| L| L>!T0?o?ov)=W!B!B37֙n161698"m<!C!C ,>r>ro #H+`| L| L%!4Ykk~)28.300     \!gimp-text-layer(text "28.300") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) ))ggg{'QJkkkb Ew$i| L| L>"+O?o?ovd20!B!B37=T*̕1616987UI!C!C ,+ GC>r>ro +@| L| L=4kk{*28.000     S\!gimp-text-layer(text "28.000") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) 1*E*Uvvv~'QJkkkb Ew| L| L| L>"+O?o?o?ovd2!B!B!B37=T161616987U!C!C!C ,+ G>r>r>ro +| L| L| L=4kkk~*24.990      $!gimp-text-layer(text "24.990") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) 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Simpson KG4ZOW 2007-02-23") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 16.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify center) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) :X:EEEEX;;;/<?A C<EGEE p   QqqxMq1&YZ&YZǺ9E~~Lv uĸ u%#q#hgl#{i !"Cn"ODDL]\pzoz˶X*pȪ)HȪޘe\To( p#N.4x|_Gt;w o̶nAbȨ,GȨPDDNz@&ytyehAEnc^`Y $p$q #qF> F>CCnCn{i !"{i !"5S#ro?!zop p )H} Ȫ)Hp p pp  po( o(|^ |4x 4x": o o;w;w ,G.h Ȩ,GAb Ab t yt& & En EnGn,mpAi $pK<a<o<<"=C<<<<l<d>, K%USB#12     +gimp-text-layer(text "USB") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) GGGJJJA44Na4D44Q 34 44'&4>44R4w44425$ν4.͌HC4BғR 4(! 4EAUSB#11     +Ygimp-text-layer(text "USB") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) 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"Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) c\cpcJJJA44Na4D44Q 34 44'&4>44R4w44425$ν4.͌HC4BғR 4(! 4EAUSB#1     ++gimp-text-layer(text "USB") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) f f4fDJJJA44Na4D44Q 34 44'&4>44R4w44425$ν4.͌HC4BғR 4(! 4EALSB#2     +gimp-text-layer(text "LSB") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) hhi,,,;4Na4D4Q 34 4'&4>4R4w444$ν4.͌4C4B4R 44! 4E;USB     +gimp-text-layer(text "USB") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) kkkJJJA44Na4D44Q 34 44'&4>44R4w44425$ν4.͌HC4BғR 4(! 4EALSB#1     +gimp-text-layer(text "LSB") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) nWnkn{,,,;4Na4D4Q 34 4'&4>4R4w444$ν4.͌4C4B4R 44! 4E;LSB     +Igimp-text-layer(text "LSB") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) qqq*,,,;4Na4D4Q 34 4'&4>4R4w444$ν4.͌4C4B4R 44! 4E;<"2300-2310 10.0-10.5 122.25-...     9gimp-text-layer(text "2300-2310 10.0-10.5\t122.25-123.0\n2390-2450 24.0-24.25\t134-141\n3300-3500 47.0-47.2\t241-250\n5650-5925 76.0-81.0\t275+") (font "Lucida Grande") (font-size 12.000000) (font-size-unit pixels) (hinting yes) (antialias yes) (language "c") (base-direction ltr) (color (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000)) (justify left) (box-mode dynamic) (box-unit pixels) tU<tqp|<t| E/q'kkk'kb $i| L| Lb $i 4| >?o?o >4?v0!B!B v04!37*̕161637*̕4198I!C!C98I4! ,C>r>r ,C4>o@| L| Lo@4| kk'kvk'4b $iƊ_| Lb N4| >!T?o >H4?v0)=!B vB44 !37*֙̕16374œ198I"m!C98F! ,C>r ,GB>o@ #H| Lo4| %!k4*kkkkk4k$i$i| L| L$i4| L| ?o?o 4?o?00!B!B04 !B!*̕*̕1616*̕œ161II!C!CIF!C!CC>r>r CB>r>@@| L| L@| L| kk*k44k4v'44~4| L4Ɗ_b 44C4?o4!T>44 Y4 !B4 )=v4œ0 œ16œ֙37F& JF!CF"m98FB#DB>r B ,B | L #Ho**k*%!*/q/qkkk L 4| L| L 4|o4?o?o 4?B4!B!B 4!64161641C4!C!C4!r4>r>r 4>L4| L+| L 4|kk4k k'k'Lb N| Lb No>H?o >HBvB4!B vB4637416374C98!C98r ,G>r ,GLo4+| Lo4k44k4kk LN| L NoH0?oHBB4W!BB464n164C<!CrG>rGL4`+| L 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